/* * Copyright (C) 2012 by Darren Reed. * * See the IPFILTER.LICENCE file for details on licencing. */ #include #include "ipf.h" #include "ipt.h" extern int opts; static int hex_open(char *); static int hex_close(void); static int hex_readip(mb_t *, char **, int *); static char *readhex(char *, char *); struct ipread iphex = { hex_open, hex_close, hex_readip, 0 }; static FILE *tfp = NULL; static int tfd = -1; static int hex_open(char *fname) { if (tfp && tfd != -1) { rewind(tfp); return (tfd); } if (!strcmp(fname, "-")) { tfd = 0; tfp = stdin; } else { tfd = open(fname, O_RDONLY); if (tfd != -1) tfp = fdopen(tfd, "r"); } return (tfd); } static int hex_close(void) { int cfd = tfd; tfd = -1; return (close(cfd)); } static int hex_readip(mb_t *mb, char **ifn, int *dir) { register char *s, *t, *u; char line[513]; ip_t *ip; char *buf; buf = (char *)mb->mb_buf; /* * interpret start of line as possibly "[ifname]" or * "[in/out,ifname]". */ if (ifn) *ifn = NULL; if (dir) *dir = 0; ip = (ip_t *)buf; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, tfp)) { if ((s = strchr(line, '\n'))) { if (s == line) { mb->mb_len = (char *)ip - buf; return (mb->mb_len); } *s = '\0'; } if ((s = strchr(line, '#'))) *s = '\0'; if (!*line) continue; if ((opts & OPT_DEBUG) != 0) { printf("input: %s", line); } if ((*line == '[') && (s = strchr(line, ']'))) { t = line + 1; if (s - t > 0) { *s++ = '\0'; if ((u = strchr(t, ',')) && (u < s)) { u++; if (ifn) *ifn = strdup(u); if (dir) { if (*t == 'i') *dir = 0; else if (*t == 'o') *dir = 1; } } else if (ifn) *ifn = t; } while (*s++ == '+') { if (!strncasecmp(s, "mcast", 5)) { mb->mb_flags |= M_MCAST; s += 5; } if (!strncasecmp(s, "bcast", 5)) { mb->mb_flags |= M_BCAST; s += 5; } if (!strncasecmp(s, "mbcast", 6)) { mb->mb_flags |= M_MBCAST; s += 6; } } while (ISSPACE(*s)) s++; } else s = line; t = (char *)ip; ip = (ip_t *)readhex(s, (char *)ip); if ((opts & OPT_DEBUG) != 0) { if (opts & OPT_ASCII) { int c = *t; if (t < (char *)ip) putchar('\t'); while (t < (char *)ip) { if (isprint(c) && isascii(c)) putchar(c); else putchar('.'); t++; } } putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout); } } if (feof(tfp)) return (0); return (-1); } static char *readhex(register char *src, register char *dst) { int state = 0; char c; while ((c = *src++)) { if (ISSPACE(c)) { if (state) { dst++; state = 0; } continue; } else if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')) { c = ISDIGIT(c) ? (c - '0') : (TOUPPER(c) - 55); if (state == 0) { *dst = (c << 4); state++; } else { *dst++ |= c; state = 0; } } else break; } return (dst); }