PORTNAME= nfy DISTVERSION= 0.2 CATEGORIES= x11 MASTER_SITES= https://ftp.margiolis.net/${PORTNAME}/ MAINTAINER= christos@freebsd.org COMMENT= Minimal and daemonless notification program for X WWW= https://margiolis.net/w/nfy/ LICENSE= MIT LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE LIB_DEPENDS= libfontconfig.so:x11-fonts/fontconfig USES= xorg USE_XORG= x11 xft xrandr MAKE_ARGS= CC="${CC}" \ FREETYPEINC="${LOCALBASE}/include/freetype2" \ PREFIX="${PREFIX}" \ VERSION="${PORTVERSION}" \ X11INC="${LOCALBASE}/include" \ X11LIB="${LOCALBASE}/lib" PLIST_FILES= bin/nfy \ share/man/man1/nfy.1.gz pre-everything: @${ECHO_MSG} "To build nfy with your own config.h use the NFY_CONF make variable:" @${ECHO_MSG} "make NFY_CONF=/path/to/nfy/config.h install clean" .if defined(NFY_CONF) post-extract: @${ECHO_MSG} "Creating symlink: config.h -> ${NFY_CONF}" ${LN} -fs "${NFY_CONF}" ${WRKSRC}/config.h .endif post-configure: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -E \ -e "s|(CFLAGS[[:space:]]*)= |\1+= |" \ -e "s|(CPPFLAGS[[:space:]]*)= |\1+= |" \ -e "s|(LDFLAGS[[:space:]]*)= |\1+= |" \ ${WRKSRC}/config.mk post-install: @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/nfy .include