--- config/database.yml.postgresql.orig 2023-09-21 08:56:19 UTC +++ config/database.yml.postgresql @@ -26,13 +26,6 @@ production: username: git password: "secure password" host: localhost - geo: - adapter: postgresql - encoding: unicode - database: gitlabhq_geo_production - username: git - password: "secure password" - host: localhost # # Development specific @@ -57,13 +50,6 @@ development: host: localhost variables: statement_timeout: 15s - geo: - adapter: postgresql - encoding: unicode - database: gitlabhq_geo_development - username: postgres - password: "secure password" - host: localhost # # Staging specific @@ -84,13 +70,6 @@ staging: username: git password: "secure password" host: localhost - geo: - adapter: postgresql - encoding: unicode - database: gitlabhq_geo_staging - username: git - password: "secure password" - host: localhost # Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and # re-generated from your development database when you run "rake". @@ -119,19 +98,3 @@ test: &test reaping_frequency: nil variables: statement_timeout: 15s - geo: - adapter: postgresql - encoding: unicode - database: gitlabhq_geo_test - username: postgres - password: - host: localhost - reaping_frequency: nil - embedding: - adapter: postgresql - encoding: unicode - database: gitlabhq_embedding_test - username: postgres - password: - host: localhost - reaping_frequency: nil