PORTNAME= mpsolve DISTVERSION= 3.2.1 PORTREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= math MASTER_SITES= https://numpi.dm.unipi.it/_media/software/mpsolve/ MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Multiprecision rootfinder for complex roots of univariate polynomials WWW= https://numpi.dm.unipi.it/software/mpsolve LICENSE= GPLv3 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/COPYING LIB_DEPENDS= libgmp.so:math/gmp \ libtcmalloc_minimal.so:devel/google-perftools USES= autoreconf:2.69 compiler:c++11-lang gettext-runtime gmake \ gnome libtool localbase pkgconfig shared-mime-info tar:bz2 USE_GNOME= atk cairo gdkpixbuf2 glib20 gtk30 pango USE_LDCONFIG= yes USE_CXXSTD= c++14 # fix compilation failure on 14: error: ISO C++17 does not allow 'register' storage class specifier [-Wregister] GNU_CONFIGURE= yes GNU_CONFIGURE_MANPREFIX= ${PREFIX}/share CONFIGURE_ARGS= --disable-static INSTALL_TARGET= install-strip OPTIONS_DEFINE= GUI OPTIONS_DEFAULT= GUI OPTIONS_SUB= yes GUI_DESC= Graphical UI to solve polynomial equations visually GUI_CONFIGURE_OFF= --disable-ui GUI_USES= bison desktop-file-utils qt:5 GUI_USE= QT=core,gui,widgets,buildtools:build .include