# from examples/isoline_demo.py """ Code for demo-ing and experimentation. Prepare for a mess """ from isosurfaces import plot_isoline from isosurfaces.isoline import ( Cell, build_tree, Triangulator, CurveTracer, ) import numpy as np import cairo min_depth = 5 pmin = np.array([-8, -6]) pmax = np.array([8, 6]) def f(x, y): return y * (x - y) ** 2 - 4 * x - 8 # Here we directly use plot_implicit internals in order to see the quadtree fn = lambda u: f(u[0], u[1]) tol = (pmax - pmin) / 1000 quadtree = build_tree(2, fn, pmin, pmax, min_depth, 5000, tol) triangles = Triangulator(quadtree, fn).triangulate() curves = CurveTracer(triangles, fn, tol).trace() def g(x, y): return x ** 3 - x - y ** 2 # Typical usage curves1 = plot_isoline( lambda u: g(u[0], u[1]), pmin, pmax, min_depth=4, max_quads=1000, ) def h(x, y): return x ** 4 + y ** 4 - np.sin(x) - np.sin(4 * y) curves2 = plot_isoline(lambda u: h(u[0], u[1]), pmin, pmax, 4, 1000) WIDTH = 640 HEIGHT = 480 def setup_context(c): # reflection to change math units to screen units scale = min(WIDTH / (pmax[0] - pmin[0]), HEIGHT / (pmax[1] - pmin[1])) c.scale(scale, -scale) c.translate(WIDTH / scale / 2, -HEIGHT / scale / 2) c.set_line_join(cairo.LINE_JOIN_BEVEL) def draw_axes(c): c.save() c.set_line_width(0.1) c.move_to(0, -100) c.line_to(0, 100) c.stroke() c.move_to(-100, 0) c.line_to(100, 0) c.stroke() c.restore() def draw_quad(c, quad: Cell): width = 0 if quad.depth <= min_depth: width = 0.02 elif quad.depth == min_depth + 1: width = 0.01 else: width = 0.005 c.set_line_width(0.5 * width) if quad.children: c.move_to(*((quad.vertices[0].pos + quad.vertices[1].pos) / 2)) c.line_to(*((quad.vertices[2].pos + quad.vertices[3].pos) / 2)) c.move_to(*((quad.vertices[0].pos + quad.vertices[2].pos) / 2)) c.line_to(*((quad.vertices[1].pos + quad.vertices[3].pos) / 2)) c.stroke() for child in quad.children: draw_quad(c, child) def draw_quads(c): c.save() draw_quad(c, quadtree) c.restore() def draw_bg(c): c.save() c.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) c.paint() c.restore() def draw_curves(c, curves_list, rgb): print( "drawing", sum(map(len, curves_list)), "segments in", len(curves_list), "curves" ) c.set_source_rgb(*rgb) # draw curves c.save() c.set_line_width(0.03) for curve in curves_list: c.move_to(*curve[0]) for v in curve: c.line_to(*v) c.stroke() c.restore() with cairo.SVGSurface("demo.svg", WIDTH, HEIGHT) as surface: c = cairo.Context(surface) setup_context(c) draw_bg(c) draw_axes(c) # draw_quads(c) draw_curves(c, curves, [0.1, 0.1, 0.8]) draw_curves(c, curves1, [0.8, 0.1, 0.1]) draw_curves(c, curves2, [0.1, 0.6, 0.1])