Data::Sah::Filter contains a standard set of filter rules for Data::Sah (to be used in prefilters and postfilters clauses). It is separated from the Data-Sah distribution and can be used independently. A filter rule is put in Data::Sah::Filter::$COMPILER::$CATEGORY:$DESCRIPTION module, for example: Data::Sah::Filter::perl::Str::trim for trimming whitespace at the beginning and end of string. Basically, a filter rule will provide an expression (in expr_filter) in the target language (e.g. Perl, JavaScript, or others) to convert one data to another. Multiple filter rules can be combined to form the final filtering code. This code can be used by Data::Sah when generating validator code from Sah schema, or can be used directly. Some projects which use filtering rules directly include: App::orgadb (which lets users specify filters from the command-line).