PORTNAME= openocd DISTVERSION= 0.12.0 PORTREVISION= 4 CATEGORIES= devel MASTER_SITES= SF MAINTAINER= jbo@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Open On-Chip Debugger WWW= https://openocd.sf.net LICENSE= GPLv2 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/COPYING # Note: A local patch would be feasible but upstream has removed support for the offending feature # implementation since their last release (0.12.0). As such, this will no longer be relevant # from 0.13.0 onwards. Hence we're not addressing this "limitation" right now. BROKEN_aarch64= fails to build: src/target/nds32_tlb.h:25:2: error: expected identifier PAGE_SIZE_4K = 0 USES= gmake libtool makeinfo pkgconfig tar:bzip2 GNU_CONFIGURE= yes GNU_CONFIGURE_MANPREFIX= ${PREFIX}/share # Required to make OpenOCD's internal libjaylink work CONFIGURE_ENV+= libusb_CFLAGS=" " libusb_LIBS="-lusb" CFLAGS+= -Wno-error=strict-prototypes \ -Wno-error=unused-but-set-parameter \ -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable \ INFO= openocd # Note: Some adapters are not supported or do not currently work on FreeBSD. # These have been consciously left out of this port entirely. OPTIONS_DEFAULT= BITBANG_REMOTE JIMTCL_INTERNAL LIBUSB LIBHIDAPI LIBFTDI SERIAL OPTIONS_GROUP= DEBUG ADAPTERS OPTIONS_GROUP_ADAPTERS= BITBANG_REMOTE LIBUSB LIBHIDAPI LIBFTDI SERIAL PARPORT OPTIONS_GROUP_DEBUG= VERBOSE_JTAGIO VERBOSE_USBIO VERBOSE_USBCOMM OPTIONS_SINGLE= JIMTCL OPTIONS_SINGLE_JIMTCL= JIMTCL_INTERNAL JIMTCL_EXTERNAL ADAPTERS_DESC= Hardware adapters/programmers/debuggers support BITBANG_REMOTE_DESC= Remote bitbang driver JIMTCL_DESC= Jim Tcl interpreter JIMTCL_EXTERNAL_DESC= External JIMTCL_INTERNAL_DESC= Internal LIBFTDI_DESC= Adapters using libftdi LIBHIDAPI_DESC= Adapters using libhidapi LIBUSB_DESC= Adapters using libusb PARPORT_DESC= Adapters using parallel port SERIAL_DESC= Adapters using serial port VERBOSE_JTAGIO_DESC= Enable verbose JTAG I/O messages VERBOSE_USBCOMM_DESC= Enable verbose USB communication messages VERBOSE_USBIO_DESC= Enable verbose USB I/O messages # Remote bitbang driver BITBANG_REMOTE_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= remote-bitbang # Internal (built-in) or external Jim Tcl interpreter JIMTCL_EXTERNAL_LIB_DEPENDS= libjim.so:lang/jimtcl JIMTCL_EXTERNAL_USES= localbase:ldflags JIMTCL_INTERNAL_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= internal-jimtcl # Adapters depending on libftdi LIBFTDI_LIB_DEPENDS= libftdi.so:devel/libftdi LIBFTDI_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= usb_blaster \ presto \ openjtag # Adapters depending on libhidapi LIBHIDAPI_LIB_DEPENDS= libhidapi.so:comms/hidapi LIBHIDAPI_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= cmsis_dap \ nulink \ kitprog # Adapters depending on libusb LIBUSB_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= ftdi \ stlink \ ti_icdi \ ulink \ angie \ usb_blaster_2 \ ft232r \ vsllink \ xds110 \ cmsis_dap_v2 \ osbdm \ opendous \ armjtagew \ rlink \ usbprog \ esp_usb_jtag # Parallel port based adapters PARPORT_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= parport # Serial port based adapters SERIAL_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= buspirate # Debug options VERBOSE_JTAGIO_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= verbose VERBOSE_USBCOMM_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= verbose-usb-comms VERBOSE_USBIO_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= verbose-usb-io .include