Mp3stat is a utility to read information about MP3's and OGG's bitstream. More specifically, how certain bitrates have been placed in the bitstream by the encoder. Not only does mp3stat give you a graphical representation of the average bitrate per 1/500th of the file in, a linear bar graph to allow you to compare encoders and settings, it also has a batch file mode. The batch file mode allows you to use mp3stat as a script utility instead of GUI, for use in your own programs and or scripts. The batch mode can be extended trivially to give just as much info as the GUI version, but now defaults to configurable output of 3 pieces of info; name, runtime, and average bitrate. The batch mode can take MP3's, and OGG's in the same directory, but it cannot (yet at least) recursively run into subdirectories -- this will be possible in the next version, arriving soon.