PORTNAME= xfce4-windowck-plugin PORTVERSION= 0.5.1 PORTREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= x11 xfce MASTER_SITES= XFCE/panel-plugins DIST_SUBDIR= xfce4 MAINTAINER= xfce@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Puts the maximized window title and windows buttons on the panel WWW= https://gitlab.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-windowck-plugin LICENSE= GPLv2 LIB_DEPENDS= libharfbuzz.so:print/harfbuzz BUILD_DEPENDS= xdt-csource:devel/xfce4-dev-tools USES= gettext-tools gmake gnome libtool python:build pkgconfig \ shebangfix tar:bzip2 xfce xorg USE_GNOME= cairo gdkpixbuf2 glib20 gtk30 libwnck3 intltool USE_XFCE= libmenu panel xfconf USE_XORG= x11 SHEBANG_GLOB= *.py GNU_CONFIGURE= yes INSTALL_TARGET= install-strip OPTIONS_DEFINE= NLS OPTIONS_SUB= yes NLS_USES= gettext-runtime NLS_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= nls .include