This django application eliminates certain annoyances in the Django framework. Features: - render_to decorator - Reduce typing in django views. - signals decorator - Allow using signals as decorators. - ajax_request decorator - Returns JsonResponse with dict as content. - autostrip decorator - Strip form text fields before validation - get_object_or_None function - Similar to get_object_or_404, but returns None if the object is not found. - AutoOneToOne field - Creates a related object on first call if it doesn't exist yet. - JSONField - A field that stores a Python object as JSON and retrieves it as a Python object. - get_config function - Get settings from django.conf if exists, return a default value otherwise. - StaticServer middleware - Instead of configuring, just add this middleware and it will serve your static files when you are in debug mode. - get_ object_or_this_function - Similar to get_object_or_404, but returns a default object (this) if the object is not found. - HttpResponseReload - Reload and stay on same page from where the request was made.