# https://vuls.io/docs/en/config.toml.html#database-section # # Make sure you have go-cve-dictionaries updated and running, and use http. If # have multiple hosts, set up the go-cve-dictionaries on one central host. # [cveDict] #type = ["sqlite3", "mysql", "postgres", "redis", "http" ] type = "http" #sqlite3Path = "/var/db/vuls/cve.sqlite3" url = "http://localhost:1323" # Not used, but sadly an empty database will be created when creating report or # tui. [ovalDict] #type = ["sqlite3", "mysql", "postgres", "redis", "http" ] type = "sqlite3" sqlite3Path = "/var/tmp/vuls/oval.sqlite3" #url = "" # Not used, but sadly an empty database will be created when creating report or # tui. [gost] #type = ["sqlite3", "mysql", "postgres", "redis", "http" ] type = "sqlite3" sqlite3Path = "/var/tmp/vuls/gost.sqlite3" #url = "" # Not used, but sadly an empty database will be created when creating report or # tui. [exploit] #type = ["sqlite3", "mysql", "postgres", "redis", "http" ] type = "sqlite3" sqlite3Path = "/var/tmp/vuls/go-exploitdb.sqlite3" #url = "" # Not used, but sadly an empty database will be created when creating report or # tui. [metasploit] #type = ["sqlite3", "mysql", "postgres", "redis", "http" ] type = "sqlite3" sqlite3Path = "/var/tmp/vuls/go-msfdb.sqlite3" #url = "" # Not used, but sadly an empty database will be created when creating report or # tui. [kevuln] #type = ["sqlite3", "mysql", "postgres", "redis", "http" ] type = "sqlite3" sqlite3Path = "/var/tmp/vuls/go-kev.sqlite3" #url = "" # Not used, but sadly an empty database will be created when creating report or # tui. [cti] #type = ["sqlite3", "mysql", "postgres", "redis", "http" ] type = "sqlite3" sqlite3Path = "/var/tmp/vuls/go-cti.sqlite3" #url = "" # https://vuls.io/docs/en/config.toml.html#slack-section #[slack] #hookURL = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/abc123/defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ##legacyToken = "xoxp-11111111111-222222222222-3333333333" #channel = "#channel-name" ##channel = "${servername}" #iconEmoji = ":ghost:" #authUser = "username" #notifyUsers = ["@username"] # https://vuls.io/docs/en/config.toml.html#email-section #[email] #smtpAddr = "smtp.example.com" #smtpPort = "587" #user = "username" #password = "password" #from = "from@example.com" #to = ["to@example.com"] #cc = ["cc@example.com"] #subjectPrefix = "[vuls]" # https://vuls.io/docs/en/config.toml.html#http-section #[http] #url = "http://localhost:11234" # https://vuls.io/docs/en/config.toml.html#syslog-section #[syslog] #protocol = "tcp" #host = "localhost" #port = "514" #tag = "vuls" #facility = "local0" #severity = "alert" #verbose = false # https://vuls.io/docs/en/usage-report.html#example-put-results-in-s3-bucket #[aws] #profile = "default" #region = "ap-northeast-1" #s3Bucket = "vuls" #s3ResultsDir = "/path/to/result" #s3ServerSideEncryption = "AES256" # https://vuls.io/docs/en/usage-report.html#example-put-results-in-azure-blob-storage #[azure] #accountName = "default" #accountKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" #containerName = "vuls" # https://vuls.io/docs/en/config.toml.html#chatwork-section #[chatwork] #room = "xxxxxxxxxxx" #apiToken = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # https://vuls.io/docs/en/config.toml.html#telegram-section #[telegram] #chatID = "xxxxxxxxxxx" #token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" #[wpscan] #token = "xxxxxxxxxxx" #detectInactive = false # https://vuls.io/docs/en/config.toml.html#default-section [default] #port = "22" #user = "username" #keyPath = "/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa" #scanMode = ["fast", "fast-root", "deep", "offline"] #scanModules = ["ospkg", "wordpress", "lockfile", "port"] #lockfiles = ["/path/to/package-lock.json"] #cpeNames = [ # "cpe:/a:rubyonrails:ruby_on_rails:4.2.1", #] #owaspDCXMLPath = "/tmp/dependency-check-report.xml" #ignoreCves = ["CVE-2014-6271"] #ignorePkgsRegexp = ["^kernel", "^python"] #containersOnly = false #containerType = "docker" #or "lxd" or "lxc" default: docker #containersIncluded = ["${running}"] #containersExcluded = ["container_name_a"] # https://vuls.io/docs/en/config.toml.html#servers-section [servers] [servers.localhost] host = "localhost" port = "local" #user = "root" #sshConfigPath = "/home/username/.ssh/config" #keyPath = "/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa" #scanMode = ["fast", "fast-root", "deep", "offline"] #scanModules = ["ospkg", "wordpress", "lockfile", "port"] #type = "pseudo" #memo = "DB Server" #findLock = true #findLockDirs = ["/path/to/dir"] #lockfiles = ["/path/to/package-lock.json"] #cpeNames = [ "cpe:/a:rubyonrails:ruby_on_rails:4.2.1" ] #owaspDCXMLPath = "/path/to/dependency-check-report.xml" #ignoreCves = ["CVE-2014-0160"] #ignorePkgsRegexp = ["^kernel", "^python"] #containersOnly = false #containerType = "docker" #or "lxd" or "lxc" default: docker #containersIncluded = ["${running}"] #containersExcluded = ["container_name_a"] #[servers.127-0-0-1.containers.container_name_a] #cpeNames = [ "cpe:/a:rubyonrails:ruby_on_rails:4.2.1" ] #owaspDCXMLPath = "/path/to/dependency-check-report.xml" #ignoreCves = ["CVE-2014-0160"] #ignorePkgsRegexp = ["^kernel", "^python"] #[servers.127-0-0-1.githubs."owner/repo"] #token = "yourToken" #IgnoreGithubDismissed = true #[servers.127-0-0-1.wordpress] #cmdPath = "/usr/local/bin/wp" #osUser = "wordpress" #docRoot = "/path/to/DocumentRoot/" #[servers.192-168-11-6.portscan] #scannerBinPath = "/usr/bin/nmap" #hasPrivileged = true #scanTechniques = ["sS"] #sourcePort = "65535" #[servers.127-0-0-1.optional] #key = "value1"