--- src/drivers/main.cpp.orig 2024-08-20 23:31:51 UTC +++ src/drivers/main.cpp @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ static const MDFNSetting DriverSettings[] = { "nothrottle", MDFNSF_NOFLAGS, gettext_noop("Disable speed throttling when sound is disabled."), NULL, MDFNST_BOOL, "0"}, { "autosave", MDFNSF_NOFLAGS, gettext_noop("Automatically load/save state on game load/close."), gettext_noop("Automatically save and load save states when a game is closed or loaded, respectively."), MDFNST_BOOL, "0"}, { "sound.driver", MDFNSF_NOFLAGS, gettext_noop("Select sound driver."), gettext_noop("The following choices are possible, sorted by preference, high to low, when \"default\" driver is used, but dependent on being compiled in."), MDFNST_ENUM, "default", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDriver_List }, - { "sound.device", MDFNSF_NOFLAGS, gettext_noop("Select sound output device."), gettext_noop("When using ALSA sound output under Linux, the \"sound.device\" setting \"default\" is Mednafen's default, IE \"hw:0\", not ALSA's \"default\". If you want to use ALSA's \"default\", use \"sexyal-literal-default\"."), MDFNST_STRING, "default", NULL, NULL }, + { "sound.device", MDFNSF_NOFLAGS, gettext_noop("Select sound output device."), gettext_noop("When using ALSA sound output under Linux, the \"sound.device\" setting \"default\" is Mednafen's default, IE \"hw:0\", not ALSA's \"default\". If you want to use ALSA's \"default\", use \"sexyal-literal-default\"."), MDFNST_STRING, "sexyal-literal-default", NULL, NULL }, { "sound.volume", MDFNSF_NOFLAGS, gettext_noop("Sound volume level, in percent."), gettext_noop("Setting this volume control higher than the default of \"100\" may severely distort the sound."), MDFNST_UINT, "100", "0", "150" }, { "sound", MDFNSF_NOFLAGS, gettext_noop("Enable sound output."), NULL, MDFNST_BOOL, "1" }, { "sound.period_time", MDFNSF_NOFLAGS, gettext_noop("Desired period size in microseconds(μs)."), gettext_noop("Currently only affects OSS, ALSA, WASAPI(exclusive mode), and SDL output. A value of 0 defers to the default in the driver code in SexyAL.\n\nNote: This is not the \"sound buffer size\" setting, that would be \"\5sound.buffer_time\"."), MDFNST_UINT, "0", "0", "100000" },