# This file contains logic to ease porting of Rust packages or # binaries using the `cargo` command. # # Feature: cargo # Usage: USES=cargo # Valid ARGS: none # # MAINTAINER: rust@FreeBSD.org .if !defined(_INCLUDE_USES_CARGO_MK) _INCLUDE_USES_CARGO_MK= yes . if !empty(cargo_ARGS) IGNORE+= USES=cargo takes no arguments . endif .sinclude "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile.crates" # List of static dependencies. The format is cratename-version. # CARGO_CRATES will be downloaded from MASTER_SITE_CRATESIO. CARGO_CRATES?= # List of features to build (space separated list). # Use special token --no-default-features to disable default # features by passing it to cargo build/install/test. CARGO_FEATURES?= # Name of the local directory for vendoring crates. CARGO_VENDOR_DIR?= ${WRKSRC}/cargo-crates # Default path for cargo manifest. CARGO_CARGOTOML?= ${WRKSRC}/Cargo.toml CARGO_CARGOLOCK?= ${WRKSRC}/Cargo.lock # Save crates inside ${DISTDIR}/rust/crates by default. CARGO_DIST_SUBDIR?= rust/crates # Generate list of DISTFILES. # Prefer canonical file extension .crate going forward . if make(makesum) CARGO_CRATE_EXT= .crate . else # If there is a rust/crates/*.tar.gz in distinfo keep using the old # extension. We need to delay eval until the last moment for # DISTINFO_FILE. We cache the command output to avoid multiple # slow grep runs for every CARGO_CRATE_EXT access. CARGO_CRATE_EXT= ${defined(_CARGO_CRATE_EXT_CACHE):?${_CARGO_CRATE_EXT_CACHE}:${:!if ${GREP} -q '\(${CARGO_DIST_SUBDIR}/.*\.tar\.gz\)' "${DISTINFO_FILE}" 2>/dev/null; then ${ECHO_CMD} .tar.gz; else ${ECHO_CMD} .crate; fi!:_=_CARGO_CRATE_EXT_CACHE}} . endif _CARGO_CRATES:= ${CARGO_CRATES:N*@git+*} _CARGO_GIT_SOURCES:= ${CARGO_CRATES:M*@git+*} # enumerate crates for unqiue and sane distfile group names _CARGO_CRATES:= ${empty(_CARGO_CRATES):?:${_CARGO_CRATES:range:@i@$i ${_CARGO_CRATES:[$i]}@}} # split up crates into (index, crate, name, version) 4-tuples _CARGO_CRATES:= ${_CARGO_CRATES:C/^([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)-([0-9].*)/\0 \1 \2/} . for _index _crate _name _version in ${_CARGO_CRATES} # Resolving CRATESIO alias is very inefficient with many MASTER_SITES, consume MASTER_SITE_CRATESIO directly MASTER_SITES+= ${MASTER_SITE_CRATESIO:S,%SUBDIR%,${_name}/${_version},:S,$,:_cargo_${_index},} DISTFILES+= ${CARGO_DIST_SUBDIR}/${_crate}${CARGO_CRATE_EXT}:_cargo_${_index} # Provide pointer to the crate's extraction dir WRKSRC_crate_${_name}= ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/${_crate} # ... also with version suffix in case of multiple versions of the # same crate WRKSRC_crate_${_crate}= ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/${_crate} . endfor _CARGO_AWK= ${AWK} -vCP="${CP}" -vFIND="${FIND}" -vGREP="${GREP}" \ -vCARGO_VENDOR_DIR="${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}" \ -vGIT_SOURCES="${_CARGO_GIT_SOURCES}" \ -vWRKDIR="${WRKDIR}" -vWRKSRC="${WRKSRC}" \ -f${SCRIPTSDIR}/split-url.awk \ -f${SCRIPTSDIR}/cargo-crates-git-common.awk -f . if !empty(_CARGO_GIT_SOURCES) . for _index _site _filename _wrksrc _crates in ${:!${_CARGO_AWK} ${SCRIPTSDIR}/cargo-crates-git-fetch.awk /dev/null!} MASTER_SITES+= ${_site}:_cargo_git${_index} DISTFILES+= ${_filename}:_cargo_git${_index} . for _crate in ${_crates:S/,/ /g} # Make sure the build dependencies checks below can work for git sourced crates too _CARGO_CRATES+= @git ${_crate} ${_crate} @git # Provide pointer to the crate's extraction dir # # This might not point to the actual crate's sources since a # single git source can contain multiple crates. We cannot collect # subdir information until after the full extraction is done and we # cannot set make variables at that point. This is better than # nothing. WRKSRC_crate_${_crate}= ${WRKDIR}/${_wrksrc} . endfor . endfor . endif # Build dependencies. CARGO_BUILDDEP?= yes . if ${CARGO_BUILDDEP:tl} == "yes" BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${RUST_DEFAULT}>=1.81.0:lang/${RUST_DEFAULT} . elif ${CARGO_BUILDDEP:tl} == "any-version" BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${RUST_DEFAULT}>=0:lang/${RUST_DEFAULT} . endif # Location of toolchain (default to lang/rust's toolchain) CARGO?= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/cargo RUSTC?= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/rustc RUSTDOC?= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/rustdoc # Location of the cargo output directory. CARGO_TARGET_DIR?= ${WRKDIR}/target _CARGO_RUST_ARCH_amd64= x86_64 _CARGO_RUST_ARCH_i386= i686 _CARGO_RUST_ARCH_riscv64= riscv64gc # Environment for cargo # - CARGO_HOME: local cache of the registry index # - CARGO_BUILD_JOBS: configure number of jobs to run # - CARGO_TARGET_DIR: location of where to place all generated artifacts # - RUST_BACKTRACE: produce backtraces when something in the build panics # - RUSTC: path of rustc binary (default to lang/rust) # - RUSTDOC: path of rustdoc binary (default to lang/rust) # - RUSTFLAGS: custom flags to pass to all compiler invocations that Cargo performs CARGO_ENV+= \ CARGO_HOME=${WRKDIR}/cargo-home \ CARGO_BUILD_JOBS=${MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER} \ CARGO_TARGET_DIR=${CARGO_TARGET_DIR} \ RUSTC=${RUSTC} \ RUSTDOC=${RUSTDOC} \ RUSTFLAGS="${RUSTFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS:C/.+/-C link-arg=&/}" . if ${ARCH} != powerpc64le CARGO_ENV+= RUST_BACKTRACE=1 . endif . if !defined(WITHOUT_LTO) _CARGO_MSG= "===> Additional optimization to port applied" WITH_LTO= yes . endif # Adjust -C target-cpu if -march/-mcpu is set by bsd.cpu.mk . if ${ARCH} == amd64 || ${ARCH} == i386 RUSTFLAGS+= ${CFLAGS:M-march=*:S/-march=/-C target-cpu=/} . elif ${ARCH:Mpowerpc*} RUSTFLAGS+= ${CFLAGS:M-mcpu=*:S/-mcpu=/-C target-cpu=/:S/power/pwr/} . elif ${ARCH} == aarch64 || ${ARCH} == armv7 RUSTFLAGS+= -C target-cpu=${CPUTYPE:C/\+.+//g} . else RUSTFLAGS+= ${CFLAGS:M-mcpu=*:S/-mcpu=/-C target-cpu=/} . endif # Helper to shorten cargo calls. _CARGO_RUN= ${SETENVI} ${WRK_ENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${CARGO_ENV} ${CARGO} CARGO_CARGO_RUN= cd ${WRKSRC}; ${SETENVI} ${WRK_ENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${CARGO_ENV} \ CARGO_FREEBSD_PORTS_SKIP_GIT_UPDATE=1 ${CARGO} # User arguments for cargo targets. CARGO_BUILD_ARGS?= CARGO_INSTALL_ARGS?= CARGO_INSTALL_PATH?= . CARGO_TEST_ARGS?= CARGO_UPDATE_ARGS?= # Use module targets ? CARGO_BUILD?= yes CARGO_CONFIGURE?= yes CARGO_INSTALL?= yes CARGO_TEST?= yes # rustc stashes intermediary files in TMPDIR (default /tmp) which # might cause issues for users that for some reason space limit # their /tmp. WRKDIR should have plenty of space. # Allow users and ports to still overwrite it. . if ${TMPDIR:U/tmp} == /tmp TMPDIR= ${WRKDIR} . endif # Manage crate features. . if !empty(CARGO_FEATURES:M--no-default-features) CARGO_BUILD_ARGS+= --no-default-features CARGO_INSTALL_ARGS+= --no-default-features CARGO_TEST_ARGS+= --no-default-features . endif . if !empty(CARGO_FEATURES:N--no-default-features) CARGO_BUILD_ARGS+= --features='${CARGO_FEATURES:N--no-default-features}' CARGO_INSTALL_ARGS+= --features='${CARGO_FEATURES:N--no-default-features}' CARGO_TEST_ARGS+= --features='${CARGO_FEATURES:N--no-default-features}' . endif . if !defined(WITH_DEBUG) CARGO_BUILD_ARGS+= --release CARGO_TEST_ARGS+= --release . else CARGO_INSTALL_ARGS+= --debug . endif . if ${_CARGO_CRATES:Mcmake} BUILD_DEPENDS+= cmake:devel/cmake-core . endif . if ${_CARGO_CRATES:Mgettext-sys} CARGO_ENV+= GETTEXT_BIN_DIR=${LOCALBASE}/bin \ GETTEXT_INCLUDE_DIR=${LOCALBASE}/include \ GETTEXT_LIB_DIR=${LOCALBASE}/lib . endif . if ${_CARGO_CRATES:Mjemalloc-sys} BUILD_DEPENDS+= gmake:devel/gmake . endif . if ${_CARGO_CRATES:Mlibgit2-sys} # Use the system's libgit2 instead of building the bundled version CARGO_ENV+= LIBGIT2_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1 . endif . if ${_CARGO_CRATES:Mlibssh2-sys} # Use the system's libssh2 instead of building the bundled version CARGO_ENV+= LIBSSH2_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1 . endif . if ${_CARGO_CRATES:Monig_sys} # onig_sys always prefers the system library but will try to link # statically with it. Since devel/oniguruma doesn't provide a static # library it'll link to libonig.so instead. Strictly speaking setting # RUSTONIG_SYSTEM_LIBONIG is not necessary, but will force onig_sys to # always use the system's libonig as returned by `pkg-config oniguruma`. CARGO_ENV+= RUSTONIG_SYSTEM_LIBONIG=1 . endif . if ${_CARGO_CRATES:Mopenssl-src} DEV_WARNING+= "Please make sure this port uses the system OpenSSL and consider removing CARGO_CRATES=${CARGO_CRATES:Mopenssl-src-[0-9]*} (a vendored copy of OpenSSL) from the build, e.g., by patching Cargo.toml appropriately." . endif . if ${_CARGO_CRATES:Mopenssl-sys} # Make sure that openssl-sys can find the correct version of OpenSSL CARGO_ENV+= OPENSSL_LIB_DIR=${OPENSSLLIB} \ OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=${OPENSSLINC} . endif . if ${_CARGO_CRATES:Mpkg-config} .include "${USESDIR}/pkgconfig.mk" . endif . if ${_CARGO_CRATES:Mzstd-sys} # Use the system's zstd instead of building the bundled version CARGO_ENV+= ZSTD_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1 . endif . for _index _crate _name _version in ${_CARGO_CRATES} # Split up semantic version and try to sanitize it by removing # pre-release identifier (-) or build metadata (+) . if ${_version:S/./ /:S/./ /:C/[-+].*//:_:[#]} == 3 . for _major _minor _patch in $_ # FreeBSD 12.0 changed ABI: r318736 and r320043 # https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/commit/78f93220d70e # https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/commit/969ad2b73cdc . if ${_name} == libc && ${_major} == 0 && (${_minor} < 2 || (${_minor} == 2 && ${_patch} < 38)) DEV_ERROR+= "CARGO_CRATES=${_crate} may be unstable on FreeBSD 12.0. Consider updating to the latest version \(higher than 0.2.37\)." . endif . if ${_name} == libc && ${_major} == 0 && (${_minor} < 2 || (${_minor} == 2 && ${_patch} < 49)) DEV_ERROR+= "CARGO_CRATES=${_crate} may be unstable on aarch64 or not build on armv6, armv7, powerpc64. Consider updating to the latest version \(higher than 0.2.49\)." . endif # FreeBSD 12.0 updated base OpenSSL in r339270: # https://github.com/sfackler/rust-openssl/commit/276577553501 . if ${_name} == openssl && !exists(${PATCHDIR}/patch-openssl-1.1.1) && ${_major} == 0 && (${_minor} < 10 || (${_minor} == 10 && ${_patch} < 4)) DEV_WARNING+= "CARGO_CRATES=${_crate} does not support OpenSSL 1.1.1. Consider updating to the latest version \(higher than 0.10.3\)." . endif . endfor . endif . endfor _USES_extract+= 600:cargo-extract cargo-extract: # target for preparing crates directory. It will put all crates in # the local crates directory. @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Moving crates to ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}" @${MKDIR} ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR} . for _index _crate _name _version in ${_CARGO_CRATES} . if ${_index} != @git @${MV} ${WRKDIR}/${_crate} ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/${_crate} @${PRINTF} '{"package":"%s","files":{}}' \ $$(${SHA256} -q ${_DISTDIR}/${CARGO_DIST_SUBDIR}/${_crate}${CARGO_CRATE_EXT}) \ > ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/${_crate}/.cargo-checksum.json @if [ -r ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/${_crate}/Cargo.toml.orig ]; then \ ${MV} ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/${_crate}/Cargo.toml.orig \ ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/${_crate}/Cargo.toml.orig-cargo; \ fi . endif . endfor . if ${CARGO_CONFIGURE:tl} == "yes" _USES_configure+= 250:cargo-configure # configure hook. Place a config file for overriding crates-io index # by local source directory. cargo-configure: # Check that the running kernel has COMPAT_FREEBSD11 required by lang/rust post-ino64 @${SETENV} CC="${CC}" OPSYS="${OPSYS}" OSVERSION="${OSVERSION}" WRKDIR="${WRKDIR}" \ ${SH} ${SCRIPTSDIR}/rust-compat11-canary.sh . if defined(_CARGO_MSG) @${ECHO_MSG} ${_CARGO_MSG} . endif @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Cargo config:" @${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/.cargo @: > ${WRKDIR}/.cargo/config.toml @${ECHO_CMD} "[source.cargo]" >> ${WRKDIR}/.cargo/config.toml @${ECHO_CMD} "directory = '${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}'" >> ${WRKDIR}/.cargo/config.toml @${ECHO_CMD} "[source.crates-io]" >> ${WRKDIR}/.cargo/config.toml @${ECHO_CMD} "replace-with = 'cargo'" >> ${WRKDIR}/.cargo/config.toml . if !empty(_CARGO_GIT_SOURCES) @${_CARGO_AWK} ${SCRIPTSDIR}/cargo-crates-git-configure.awk \ /dev/null >> ${WRKDIR}/.cargo/config.toml . endif @${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/.cargo/config.toml @if ! ${GREP} -qF '[profile.release]' ${CARGO_CARGOTOML}; then \ ${ECHO_CMD} "" >> ${CARGO_CARGOTOML}; \ ${ECHO_CMD} "[profile.release]" >> ${CARGO_CARGOTOML}; \ ${ECHO_CMD} "opt-level = 2" >> ${CARGO_CARGOTOML}; \ ${ECHO_CMD} "debug = false" >> ${CARGO_CARGOTOML}; \ ${ECHO_CMD} 'strip = "symbols"' >> ${CARGO_CARGOTOML}; \ fi @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Updating Cargo.lock" @${CARGO_CARGO_RUN} update \ --manifest-path ${CARGO_CARGOTOML} \ --verbose \ --verbose \ ${CARGO_UPDATE_ARGS} . endif . if !target(do-build) && ${CARGO_BUILD:tl} == "yes" do-build: @${CARGO_CARGO_RUN} build \ --manifest-path ${CARGO_CARGOTOML} \ --verbose \ --verbose \ ${CARGO_BUILD_ARGS} . endif . if !target(do-install) && ${CARGO_INSTALL:tl} == "yes" do-install: . for path in ${CARGO_INSTALL_PATH} @${CARGO_CARGO_RUN} install \ --no-track \ --path "${path}" \ --root "${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}" \ --verbose \ --verbose \ ${CARGO_INSTALL_ARGS} . endfor . endif . if !target(do-test) && ${CARGO_TEST:tl} == "yes" do-test: @${CARGO_CARGO_RUN} test \ --manifest-path ${CARGO_CARGOTOML} \ --verbose \ --verbose \ ${CARGO_TEST_ARGS} . endif # # Helper targets for port maintainers # # cargo-audit generates a vulnerability report using # security/cargo-audit based on the crates in Cargo.lock. cargo-audit: configure @if ! type cargo-audit > /dev/null 2>&1; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Please install \"security/cargo-audit\""; exit 1; \ fi @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Checking for vulnerable crates" @${CARGO} audit --file ${CARGO_CARGOLOCK} # cargo-crates will output the crates list from Cargo.lock. If there # is no Cargo.lock for some reason, try and generate it first. cargo-crates: cargo-crates-generate-lockfile @${_CARGO_AWK} ${SCRIPTSDIR}/cargo-crates.awk ${CARGO_CARGOLOCK} # cargo-crates-generate-lockfile will try to generate a Cargo.lock file # if it does not exist. cargo-crates-generate-lockfile: extract @if [ ! -r "${CARGO_CARGOLOCK}" ]; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${CARGO_CARGOLOCK} not found. Trying to generate it..."; \ cd ${CARGO_CARGOLOCK:H}; ${_CARGO_RUN} generate-lockfile \ --manifest-path ${CARGO_CARGOTOML} \ --verbose; \ fi # cargo-crates-licenses will try to grab license information from # all downloaded crates. cargo-crates-licenses: configure @${FIND} ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR} -name 'Cargo.toml' -maxdepth 2 \ -exec ${GREP} -H '^license' {} \; \ | ${SED} \ -e 's@^${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/@@' \ -e 's@/Cargo.toml:license.*= *"@|@' \ -e 's@"$$@@g' | sort | /usr/bin/column -t -s '|' # cargo-crates-merge will in-place update CARGO_CRATES in the port # based on the crates list from Cargo.lock. If there is no Cargo.lock # for some reason, try and generate it first. cargo-crates-merge: @if ! type portedit > /dev/null 2>&1; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Please install \"ports-mgmt/portfmt\""; exit 1; \ fi @${MAKE} clean cargo-crates-generate-lockfile @f="${MASTERDIR}/Makefile"; [ -r "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile.crates" ] && f="${MASTERDIR}/Makefile.crates"; \ ${_CARGO_AWK} ${SCRIPTSDIR}/cargo-crates.awk ${CARGO_CARGOLOCK} | \ portedit merge -i $$f; \ ${MAKE} clean makesum; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "${DISTINFO_FILE} and CARGO_CRATES in $$f were updated"; .endif