from setuptools import setup setup( name = 'sphinx-book-theme', version = '%%PORTVERSION%%', description = 'A clean book theme for scientific explanations and documentation with Sphinx', maintainer = 'Executable Books Team', maintainer_email = '', url = None, packages = [ 'sphinx_book_theme', 'sphinx_book_theme.header_buttons', ], package_dir = {'': 'src'}, package_data = {'': ['*']}, install_requires = [ 'sphinx>=4,<7', 'pydata-sphinx-theme>=0.13.3', ], extras_require = { 'code_style': [ 'pre-commit' ], 'doc': [ 'ablog', 'ipywidgets', 'folium', 'numpy', 'matplotlib', 'numpydoc', 'myst-nb', 'nbclient', 'pandas', 'plotly', 'sphinx-design', 'sphinx-examples', 'sphinx-copybutton', 'sphinx-tabs<=3.4.0', # sphinx-tabs 3.4.1 needs docutils >.17, which would conflict with our pin above 'docutils==0.17.1', # docutils 0.18, 0.19 need a patch fix, un-pin when 0.20 is released 'sphinx-togglebutton', 'sphinx-thebe', 'sphinxcontrib-bibtex', 'sphinxcontrib-youtube', 'sphinxext-opengraph', ], 'test': [ 'beautifulsoup4', 'coverage', 'myst-nb', 'pytest', 'pytest-cov', 'pytest-regressions', 'sphinx_thebe', ], }, entry_points = { 'sphinx.html_themes': ['sphinx_book_theme = sphinx_book_theme'], }, classifiers = [ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Framework :: Sphinx', 'Framework :: Sphinx :: Theme', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', ], license = 'BSD License', python_requires = '>= 3.7', )