PORTNAME= bird PORTVERSION= 1.6.8 CATEGORIES= net MASTER_SITES= ftp://bird.network.cz/pub/bird/ MAINTAINER= olivier@FreeBSD.org COMMENT?= Dynamic IP routing daemon (${FLAVOR:Uipv4:S/ip/IP/} version) WWW= https://bird.network.cz/ LICENSE= GPLv2 DEPRECATED= Upstream EOL was for the end of 2023 EXPIRATION_DATE= 2024-07-31 FLAVORS= ipv4 ipv6 ipv6_PKGNAMESUFFIX= 6 USES= autoreconf bison cpe gmake ncurses readline CPE_VENDOR= nic GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS= --localstatedir=/var MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE= yes USE_RC_SUBR= ${PKGBASE} GROUPS= birdvty PORTSCOUT= limit:^1\. .if ${FLAVOR:U} == ipv6 CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-ipv6 PLIST_SUB= VER=6 .else PLIST_SUB?= VER="" .endif .include