PORTNAME= qucs-s DISTVERSION= 24.1.0 CATEGORIES= cad MASTER_SITES= https://github.com/ra3xdh/qucs_s/releases/download/${DISTVERSION}/ MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Quite Universal Circuit Simulator: GUI for circuit simulation kernels WWW= https://ra3xdh.github.io/ LICENSE= GPLv2 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/COPYING USES= bison cmake gl localbase qt:6 USE_QT= base svg tools:build USE_GL= gl opengl OPTIONS_GROUP= BACKENDS RTDEPENDS OPTIONS_GROUP_BACKENDS= NGSPICE XYCE QUCSATOR OPTIONS_GROUP_RTDEPENDS= OCTAVE ADMS OPTIONS_DEFAULT= NGSPICE BACKENDS_DESC= Simulation backends RTDEPENDS_DESC= Optional run-time dependencies NGSPICE_DESC= ngspice mixed-signal circuit simulator NGSPICE_RUN_DEPENDS= ngspice:cad/ngspice_rework XYCE_DESC= Xyce electronic simulator XYCE_RUN_DEPENDS= Xyce:cad/xyce \ mpich>0:net/mpich # mpich for the mpirun executable QUCSATOR_DESC= Circuit simulator of the Qucs project QUCSATOR_RUN_DEPENDS= qucsator:cad/qucsator OCTAVE_DESC= Octave is used for some non-essential features OCTAVE_RUN_DEPENDS= octave:math/octave ADMS_DESC= ADMS model generator used for some non-essential features ADMS_RUN_DEPENDS= admsXml:cad/adms post-patch: # first the patch under files/ introduces %%PREFIX%%, and now we fix it here @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}|' ${WRKSRC}/qucs/main.cpp .include