# Sort events by start date, with more recent events lower in the file # $FreeBSD$ year = 2016 [[events]] id = "mckusick-kernel-2016" name = "FreeBSD Kernel Internals: An Intensive Code Walkthrough" url = "https://www.mckusick.com/courses/adveveclass.html" startDate = "2016-01-21" endDate = "2016-05-12" countryCode = "US" country = "United States" city = "Berkeley" site = "Hillside Club" description = "Marshall Kirk McKusick will be teaching his course \"FreeBSD Kernel Internals: An Intensive Code Walkthrough\" on Thursday evenings in Berkeley California beginning January 21, 2016. The class will be held at the historic Hillside Club at 2286 Cedar Street, Berkeley, CA 94709 just three blocks north of the Berkeley campus once per week from 6:30PM to 10:00PM starting Thursday January 21st and finishing on Thursday May 12th. You can sign up for the class at https://www.mckusick.com/courses/advclassform.html. Those not living in the Bay Area that would like to take the class remotely can sign up for a subscription to receive the classes week-by-week as they are recorded." [[events]] id = "scale" name = "SCaLE 14x: The Southern California Linux Expo" url = "https://www.socallinuxexpo.org" startDate = "2016-01-21" endDate = "2016-01-24" countryCode = "US" country = "United States" city = "Pasadena" site = "Pasadena Convention Center" description = "Now celebrating its 14th year, the Southern California Linux Expo SCALE 14X is the largest Linux and Open Source Software show in North America. The four-day event -- from Jan 21-24, 2016, at the Pasadena Convention Center -- attracts top speakers and exhibitors from all over North America. Sessions and workshops range from beginner tutorials to seminars for experienced system administrators or software developers. In addition, specialty seminars prior to the weekend are conducted by various groups in the Free and Open Source Software community. While Linux is in our name, we tend to have a fair amount of BSD content including booths from the FreeBSD Foundation and the FreeBSD project. This year will also include onsite BSDA exams. For more information, or to register, visit https://www.socallinuxexpo.org." [[events]] id = "fosdem-2016" name = "Fosdem 2016" url = "https://fosdem.org/2016/" startDate = "2016-01-30" endDate = "2016-01-31" countryCode = "BE" country = "Belgium" city = "Brussels" site = "ULB Campus Solbosch" description = "FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and attend interesting talks and presentations on various topics by project leaders and committers. The BSDs will be there, you can visit us during the two days in our booth, try to pass the BSDCG Exam on Saturday, and come to the BSD devroom on Sunday to attend talks about your favorite BSDs." [[events]] id = "asiabsdcon-2016" name = "AsiaBSDCon 2016" url = "http://2016.asiabsdcon.org/" startDate = "2016-03-10" endDate = "2016-03-13" countryCode = "JP" country = "Japan" city = "Tokyo" site = "Tokyo University of Science" description = "AsiaBSDCon is a conference for users and developers on BSD based systems. The conference is for anyone developing, deploying and using systems based on FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD, Darwin and MacOS X. AsiaBSDCon is a technical conference and aims to collect the best technical papers and presentations available to ensure that the latest developments in our open source community are shared with the widest possible audience." [[events]] id = "bsdcan-2016" name = "BSDCan 2016" url = "http://www.bsdcan.org/2016/" startDate = "2016-06-08" endDate = "2016-06-11" countryCode = "CA" country = "Canada" city = "Ottawa" site = "University of Ottawa" description = "BSDCan is a technical conference for people working on and with BSD operating systems and related projects. It is a conference for users and developers with a strong focus on emerging technologies, research projects, and works in progress. It also features Userland infrastructure projects and invites contributions from both free software developers and those from commercial vendors. BSDCan is followed immediately by PGCon at the same location." [[events]] id = "texaslinuxfest-2016" name = "Texas Linux Fest 2016" url = "http://2016.texaslinuxfest.org/" startDate = "2016-07-08" endDate = "2016-07-09" countryCode = "US" country = "United States" city = "San Marcos, TX" site = "Austin Convention Center" description = "Texas Linux Fest is an open source software event for Texas and the surrounding region. It includes two days of general sessions and vendor sessions with two full days of expo floor. Texas Linux Fest is for the business and home user, and for the experienced developer and newcomer alike." [[events]] id = "eurobsdcon-2016" name = "EuroBSDcon 2016" url = "http://2016.eurobsdcon.org/" startDate = "2016-09-22" endDate = "2016-09-25" countryCode = "RS" country = "Serbia" city = "Belgrade" site = "Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel" description = "EuroBSDcon is the premier European conference on the open source BSD operating systems attracting about 250 highly skilled engineering professionals, software developers, computer science students and professors, and users from all over Europe and other parts of the world. The goal of EuroBSDcon is to exchange knowledge about the BSD operating systems, facilitate coordination and cooperation among users and developers." [[events]] id = "openzfs-2016" name = "OpenZFS Developers Summit 2016" url = "http://open-zfs.org/wiki/OpenZFS_Developer_Summit_2016" startDate = "2016-09-26" endDate = "2016-09-27" countryCode = "US" country = "United States" city = "San Francisco, CA" site = "Children's Creativity Museum" description = "The goal of the event is to foster cross-community discussions of OpenZFS work and to make progress on some of the projects we have proposed. This 2-day event consisted of 1 day of presentation and a 1-day hackathon. The call for papers is open until August 1, 2016." [[events]] id = "ohiolinuxfest-2016" name = "Ohio Linux Fest 2016" url = "https://ohiolinux.org/" startDate = "2016-10-07" endDate = "2016-10-08" countryCode = "US" country = "United States" city = "Columbus, OH" site = "Hyatt Regency" description = "The Ohio LinuxFest is a grassroots conference for the GNU/Linux/Open Source Software/Free Software community that started in 2003 as a large inter-LUG (Linux User Group) meeting and has grown steadily since. It is a place for the community to gather and share information about Linux and Open Source Software. A large expo area adjacent to the conference rooms will feature exhibits from our sponsors as well as a large.org section from non-profit Open Source/Free Software projects." [[events]] id = "meetbsd-2016" name = "MeetBSD 2016" url = "https://www.meetbsd.com/" startDate = "2016-11-11" endDate = "2016-11-12" countryCode = "US" country = "United States" city = "Berkeley, CA" site = "Clark Kerr Campus, UC Berkeley" description = "MeetBSD 2016 is a mixed unConference format featuring both scheduled talks and community-driven events such as birds-of-a-feather meetings, breakout sessions, lightning talks, and speed geeking sessions." [[events]] id = "lisa-2016" name = "Usenix LISA 2016" url = "https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa16" startDate = "2016-12-04" endDate = "2016-12-09" countryCode = "US" country = "United States" city = "Boston, MA" site = "Sheraton Boston Hotel" description = "USENIX’s Large Installation System Administration (LISA) conference—now in its 30th year—is the premier conference for IT operations, where systems engineers, operations professionals, and academic researchers share real-world knowledge about designing, building, and maintaining the critical systems of our interconnected world." [[events]] id = "gandi-tw-2016" name = "Building Products with FreeBSD" url = "http://freebsd.kktix.cc/events/gnn-talk-2016" startDate = "2016-12-11" endDate = "2016-12-11" countryCode = "TW" country = "Taiwan" city = "Taipei" site = "Gandi Asia Co. Ltd" description = "George Neville-Neil will be giving a talk entitled \"Building Products with FreeBSD\". In addition he will introduce the FreeBSD community and FreeBSD Foundation."