--- title: "FreeBSD X.0 Release Process" sidenav: download --- = FreeBSD {localRel} Release Process :localRelPrev: X.Y-1 :localRel: X.0 :localBranchHead: head :localBranchStable: stable/X :localBranchReleng: releng/X.0 :localMailingList: current include::shared/en/urls.adoc[] == Introduction This is the release schedule for FreeBSD {localRel}. For more information about the release engineering process, please see the link:../../../releng/[Release Engineering] section of the web site. General discussions about the pending release and known issues should be sent to the public mailto:FreeBSD-{localMailingList}@FreeBSD.org[freebsd-{localMailingList}] mailing list. // link:{handbook}glossary/#mfc-glossary[MFC] requests should be sent to link:mailto:re@FreeBSD.org[re@FreeBSD.org] following the link:https://wiki.freebsd.org/Releng/ChangeRequestGuidelines[Change Request Guidelines]. // link:{handbook}glossary/#mfc-glossary[MFC] requests are no longer being accepted for {localBranchReleng}. // link:{handbook}glossary/#mfc-glossary[MFC] requests should be sent to re@FreeBSD.org. == Schedule During the {localBranchHead} freeze, the Release Engineering Team may create ALPHA snapshots to publish for testing purposes. As the frequency and total number of the ALPHA snapshots will depend on the length of time the {localBranchHead} branch is frozen, no official schedule is provided. Announcements regarding the availability of the ALPHA snapshots will be sent to the mailto:freebsd-current@FreeBSD.org[freebsd-current] and mailto:freebsd-snapshots@FreeBSD.org[freebsd-snapshots] mailing lists. [.tblbasic] [cols=",,,",options="header",] |=== |Action |Expected |Actual |Description |Initial release schedule announcement |- |XXX |Release Engineers send announcement email to developers with a rough schedule. |Release schedule reminder |XXX |- |Release Engineers send reminder announcement e-mail to developers with updated schedule. |Code slush begins |XXX |- |Release Engineers announce that all further commits to the {localBranchStable} branch will not require explicit approval, however new features should be avoided. |{localBranchReleng} branch |XXX |- |{localBranchReleng} branch created; future release engineering proceeds on this branch. |BETA1 builds begin |XXX |- |First beta test snapshot. |BETA2 builds begin |XXX |- |Second beta test snapshot. |BETA3 builds begin |XXX |- |Third beta test snapshot. |RC1 builds begin |XXX |- |First release candidate. |RELEASE builds begin |XXX |- |{localRel}-RELEASE builds begin. |RELEASE announcement |XXX |- |{localRel}-RELEASE press release. |{localRelPrev} EoL |XXX |- |{localRelPrev}-RELEASE no longer supported. |{localRel} EoL |XXX |- |{localRel}-RELEASE no longer supported. |{localBranchStable} EoL |XXX |- |{localBranchStable} no longer supported. |=== "*" indicates "as-needed" items. //// == Status / TODO link:todo/[FreeBSD Release Engineering TODO Page] //// == Additional Information * link:../../../releng/[FreeBSD Release Engineering website]